Australia’s favourite drama series Mystery Road is back. Season two sees Detective Jay Swan (Aaron Pedersen) take on a grisly case in a new town in order to be closer to his family, but has he left it too late? Set in a small coastal community where the desert meets the ocean, secrets past and present ru深田咏美在线n deep and dark. Jay must reconcile the law and deep lore and confront a dangerous enemy in a world where deception is king. #MysteryRoad Joining Aaron Pedersen for the second instalment of the award-winning six-part series is The Bridge天海翼迅雷种子’s Sofia Helin. The pair star alongside Jada Alberts, Callan Mulvey, Tasma Walton, Rob Collins, Ngaire Pigram, Mark Mitchinson, Ursula Yovich, Rhimi Johnson, Gary Sweet, Fletcher Humphrys, Joel Jackson, John Brumpton, Eve Morey, Stan Yarramunua and Tasia Zalar (who was nominated for the TV Week Logie Graham Kennedy Award for her performance in season one). Internationally celebrated, multi award-winning directors Warwick Thornton (Sweet Country) and Wayne Blair 村上里纱(Top End Wedding) teamed up to film Mystery Road in Western Australia’s picturesque Dampier Peninsular and Broome. Returns Sunday, 19 April at 8.30pm.