  • 魔偶奇谭至小帝国

  • 主演:Thomas  Lennon、Michael  Paré、Charlyne  Yi    
  • 状态:[HD]
  • 导演:内详
  • 类型:恐怖片
  • 简介:f加勒比海盗美人鱼ollows a recently divorced young man who discovers a mint condition Blade doll in his deceased brothers closet and plans to sell the toy at a convention in Oregon celebrating the 30th annivers后宫甄嬛传高清下载ary of the infamous Toulon Murders. All hell breaks loose during the auc带枪出巡by欲晓百度云资源tion when a strange force animates all of the puppets throughout the convention, setting them on a bloody killing spree.